Ensuring safe and stabile business continuity is a critical issue today’s business organizations have to face – no matter the corporate size or industry. Considering the dynamic business environment and the increasing scrutiny of regulators, expectations of the clients, customers and shareholders, organisations are forced to consider Business Continuity Management no longer just a recommended task, but also an essential element to maintain competitive advantages.

Business Continuity Management (BCM) is an integrated approach of business impact analysis, business continuity planning, disaster recovery and risk management, and its methodologies are based on worldwide spread industry best practices.

Experts of Vialto Consulting provide their Clients with the following main BCM consulting services based on their overall experiences and numerous references related to the topic:
  • development of basal BCM regulations (directives);
  • preparation of basal BCM processes;
  • development of the methodology of business impact analysis and execution of business impact analysis (BIA);
  • elaboration of Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) and Disaster Recovery Plans (DRPs); ;
  • testing BCPs and DRPs;
  • professional support of the selection of IT solutions supporting BCM;
  • project management and professional support of the customization and implementation of the IT solutions supporting BCM;
  • elaboration of the methodology of risk analysis and execution of risk analysis;
  • delivering BCM related, customised trainings.
See more of our services HERE!
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